Sunday, March 14, 2010

Prepping all the time

from Jeff Garrison:

Sales and Going Through the Motions

Posted: 22 Feb 2010 01:59 PM PST

I hate to say it, but sometimes I need a reminder to follow my own advice and Sales Habitudes. Today it was about preparation.

I have a 2010 business plan. This is broken down into a ninety day plan that I update at the end of each month. Every Sunday I review the plan and set my top priorities for the week. At the end of each day, I review my plan for the next day and schedule all of my tasks giving myself deadlines throughout the day. In short, I execute.

When it comes to making phone calls, I prepare for each call to maximize the opportunity. If it is the first time I am going to call you, I will have reviewed your website and your Linked In profile. I will look to see if you Tweet and I will Google your name. Finally, I will determine the outcome that I would like to achieve on the phone call and the questions I would like to ask you.

This does not take too long and because I do it, I don't have to make as many calls as someone who does not do it.

Well today, I was in the groove and called someone without preparing. I got their voice mail. No big deal, right?

Clumsy by stephen le Two hours later this person whom I had not spoken to before called back. I was totally clumsy on this call trying to figure out what to ask next. You know ... there were those uncomfortable silences.

In a nutshell, I behaved like an amateur.

Well, like every other endeavor, your performance is only as good as your preparation. Going through the motions on the phone, at a networking event, in a sales meeting, daily planning, and even the informal coffee meetings is amateurish. Amateurs by definition, do not get paid for their work.

If you want to get paid like a pro, prepare like a pro. If you want to get paid like a world class pro, prepare like you are world class.

How do you prepare to perform at your best?

Photo on flickr by stephen le

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