Wednesday, January 06, 2010


From Craig Graber:

I hope you had as much fun and relaxation over the last two
weeks as I did. And I hope 2010 is a great year filled
with fun and prosperity for you and your family.

But now it's back to work, so let's kick the year off with
something good.

Whether you realize it or not, the words you use are always
going to dictate the lion's share of your success and
failure in selling, in business, and in your personal

Your prospect's and buyer's response (or lack of response)
and their willingness to take action, is based almost
exclusively on the words you're using when you're speaking
to them. And little changes in what you say will make huge

Here's an example of this in a very easy to understand
scenario. Let's say you take your wife out to a party and
she gets all dressed up. She looks fantastic, absolutely

You might say any one of these three things to her -- and
each one will prompt a different response or reaction.

For instance, you can tell her, "You look great tonight."

And she'd probably smile at you and say "Thanks."

Or, you can say something more romantic, like "You look
better than any other woman I've ever seen."

And she'd again smile and probably plant a kiss on your lips
this time.

But if you said, "Tonight... you look more beautiful than any
woman I've ever seen." If you said this... then she'd
actually feel something special inside.

That's because the words you chose made her feel special.
They were specific enough to make you more believable and
more sincere than the first two phrases, even though your
intent and real meaning was equally sincere with all three

And this is exactly what happens with your prospects when
you're in a selling situation or when you're trying to
generate leads.

No, I don't mean they want to kiss you, I mean that simple
changes in what you say cause HUGE differences in reactions
and responses.

So pay close attention to the tips I'll be giving you this
year. You want to make sure you're always choosing the
right words so whatever you're saying always gives you the
reactions you want.

Be careful what you say in 2010: always think... before... you

Now go sell something, Craig Garber (TM) 3959 Van Dyke Road #253 Lutz, FL 33558 United States (813) 909-2214

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