Friday, February 08, 2008

How to handle your competition

Ben over at the Church of the Customer Blog wrote about taking the high road when dealing with competitors. I agree for many reasons including:

  1. Your might end up working for your competitor one day.
  2. Nobody really likes negative campaigns for politics or anything else.
  3. You are being immature and childish.
  4. You and your competitor probably both need positive P.R. for your industry and as the old saying goes, "He who throws mud, only loses ground."
Here's what Ben has to say:

Being a gracious loser means...

Congratulating your competitor(s).

Smiling through the pain, even if it's through tears.

Highlighting your strengths by talking about those of your competitor(s).

Permitting people to empathize with you in your moment of vulnerability by admitting obvious mistakes or miscalculations.

Preparing oneself to be the future underdog.

Embracing your underdog status.

Never criticizing others, or scapegoating, or demonizing future competitors. It's hard to root for character suicide.

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