Wednesday, December 05, 2007

less than 3 weeks until 2008

From the folks at, here's part of the newsletter I received in my email today:

sales resolutions:

What will be different in your sales world at the end of 2008 from where you are now... beyond your increased production in dollars generated, units moved and improved margins (these are your goals – your targets – and in most cases, they'll always be set higher)?

But what will get you there? What are your sales resolutions?

Will you and your team prospect more? Establish better personal relationships? Commit to a solid sales process and follow through?

Will you be more attentive, invested and involved in the efforts of your sales team and your current customers?

Will you complain less?

Will you commit to perpetual optimism? Be more patient with your team? More approachable to your customers? Ask for referrals more consistently?

What'll be different? What will you deliberately set as your top 3 priorities that'll help you and your team hit your targets?

Three priorities. Any more and it becomes difficult to focus on even one. If you need only two then formally establish two.

Complete them in writing. Absorb them with commitment. Move forward.

"Resolve to perform what you ought;
perform without fail what you resolve."
Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)
American statesman, writer, scientist & printer

(sales reminder: 18 full sales days remain after today (more in the retail world)... companies and people will buy and people will make decisions for 2008... finish strong)

Get the sales resolutions worksheet (includes 18 resolution ideas to choose from) or email this thought.

(use this link to see this entire newsletter online)

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