Monday, December 03, 2007

Dell, diamonds, dating, d______, drinking

I couldn't come up with a "d" word for #4.

Volume 2 Issue 50 - December 3, 2007


College students are most likely to own a Dell computer (33%), but their next computer purchase is most likely to be a Mac (44%), says SurveyU.


More than two thirds of those planning to buy diamonds during the coming six months (69%) will make a purchase for themselves, 49% for a spouse or significant other, 22% for a child, and 12% for a parent, reports the Jewelry Consumer Opinion Council.


Nearly a quarter of single people (22%) would invite their significant other home with them for the holidays after dating for three months or less, according to Meet Market Adventures, an online dating site.


Baby Boomers feel 11 years younger than their actual age, reports Procter & Gamble.


Seven in 10 chefs (70%) expect craft brews and microbrew beers to be the hottest drinks on restaurant menus for 2008, according to the National Restaurant Association.

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