Monday, November 26, 2007

Tis the season to shine or stink

It all depends on what goes on during the relationship. If you are in retail and you do a good job of taking care of your customers during the next 4 weeks, you are average. If you do an exceptional job, you are memorable. If you do only a fair job, you will be out of business. And it has nothing to do with the paid advertising, it has to do with what happens once the advertising has done its job and now the success is up to you and your staff. It's the rest of your marketing, from the friendly sales clerks putting in 12 hour days, to the cleanliness of your restroom.

The following is from my email inbox:

Unhappy Customers

By Craig Arthur

"Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning."

- Bill Gates –

I agree with Bill.

Are you listening to your customers? No. I mean really listening!

Are you learning from the mistakes you and your staff make? Do you document mistakes and problems encountered by individual staff? Do you present these mistakes and problems along with the solutions to all your staff at regular training sessions? Or do you let the same mistakes, problems, customer service flaws to continually repeat?

Do want your business to take over the world? Well listen to your customers and solve their problems. Because chances are, you will be the only business who is willing to listen and help. Learning from unhappy customers will propel your business forward. Ignoring them will eventually put you out of business.

As I said, I agree with Bill. However, there is even a smarter way to improve your customer service.

Read what Alfred has to say.

"Learn all you can from the mistakes of others. You won't have time to make them all yourself."

- Alfred Sheinwold -

You encounter all forms of customer service numerous times a day, the good, the bad, and the downright ugly. Are you learning from these experiences? Are you applying what you learn to your business?

The better the experience you give your customers Inside Your Door, the better your advertising will work Outside Your Door.

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