Friday, December 28, 2007

I resolve to....

Lose weight? Give up Smokes? Sleep less? Sleep More? Get a new job? Whatever you and others are resolving to do in 2008, someone is there to help you (and make some money too):

LOSING WEIGHT AND QUITTING SMOKING aren't just some of the most common resolutions Americans make every year--they are some of the most lucrative.

Typically, health and fitness resolutions are the most common:, a goal-setting Web site, predicts that 28% of all resolutions will fall in this "lose weight, quit smoking, get to the gym more" category, compared with 27% last year.

But thanks to economic worries, "we expect people to focus a lot of time and energy improving their careers and getting out of debt," the company says. It expects resolutions related to debt reduction to increase sharply as a percentage of all finance-related resolutions (to 52%, up from 26% last year). And it says resolutions related to saving money will rise, from 11% to 24% of all finance-related resolutions.

Another big jump: Career-related changes, which it expects account for 21% of all New Year's resolutions--up from just 12% last year.

Read the rest here.

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