Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Balancing life wisdom

From a newsletter I received today:

Tips to Improve Work/Life Balance - With the holiday season quickly approaching, the subject of work/life balance inevitably garners additional attention. There are many ways to achieve work/life balance, ranging from simple behavioral adjustments to innovations such as flextime and telecommuting. Consider these often overlooked but important aspects:

1. Schedule smartly. Schedule more time between meetings; avoid scheduling work every evening unless it's unavoidable.

2. Prioritize your commitments and tasks. Develop a list, then establish your priorities. Doing so will help promote organization, eliminate stress and improve morale.

3. Work for a purpose. Avoid coming in early or leaving late just because you're the boss.

4. Protect your days off. Schedule routine tasks on workdays so your days off are more enjoyable.

5. Learn to say no. Most people overestimate the fallout from denying a request and underestimate the consequences of agreeing to one, especially a request with escalating responsibilities.

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