Tuesday, October 23, 2007

The Secret

The secret is that it really does not matter which media you use to get the word out, as long as you do it correctly.

And the correct way, is the way that appeals to our human emotions.

If you want to know how to get a customer, think about dating and the process you go through.

If you were to ask your spouse to marry you the very first time you met, odds are against you. But after a few dates, your chances grow.

One ad, if successful is lucky. The odds are against you. That's why The Secret is to do a campaign that allows multiple ad exposures to the same, targeted potential customers.

A massive direct mail campaign was launched to a targeted group of business people to attend a special meeting this morning. The results were disappointing, I was told. But I say, that perhaps the emphasis was backwards. Instead of inviting 500 people 1 time, it would have been more effective to invite 100 people 5 times.

Contact me if you want more information.

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