Sunday, January 14, 2007

Fresh Starts

As 2007 is now here, millions of people worldwide, looked at the calender and made new commitments to be, do, and behave better than last year. Just like they did a year ago. We do not need to wait until a date on a calender to make a fresh start.

Do It Now.

Failed already?

Do it again. Start Fresh. There are days that seem to go terribly wrong. Stop. Start Fresh.

I have friends and co-workers who have lost their fathers to death in the past 30 days. Take the time to grieve. As someone who became an "orphan" 5 years ago after the unexpected death of my Mom, I can understand. (3 years before that, my Dad suffered a death from cancer). It is a weird feeling being a 47 year old "orphan", but time gives perspective.

What does this have to do with Fresh Starts? Well for some reason, You and I are still here on this planet. So it is up to us to keep making Fresh Starts, until our time has truly expired. Until that time, you can always start, restart, and restart again.

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