Friday, January 13, 2006

The Harder I work, the Luckier I become

A paraphrase of Tommy Jefferson. (Click on the above Title to get more wisdom from our 3rd President.) There is a lot to learn from those who have gone before us. But it is within our ability to gather knowledge and learn how to apply it to our own lives, often using the "Collective Wisdom" of others. This past week has been a time to return to some of the principles and methods and systems that I know work in my field of work and the results are satisfying.
My question to you, is what has worked successfully in the past? Are you still doing what worked for you before? Why not? We really do not need to re-invent, re-create, start fresh, and throw away the past IF there was something in the past that worked. Think of perhaps refining, or sharpening your skills. The $2500 I earned in the past 2 days, was a result from many, many things done right, along with many, many, many more things done wrong. The key was to DO and not just think about doing.

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