Saturday, February 05, 2011

12+1 Tips, Day 5

Continuing through February 12th, I'm sharing with you one tip per day from a recent email I received from Jim Meisenheimer.

What's the +1?

His 13th Tip is for a program he offers, and I'm including a link to it everyday.

I have purchased Jim's materials in the past and refer to them regularly.
Here's Jim:

How To Become A
Better Sales Person

How would you like to become a better salesperson?

It's too bad the world is crowded with average and mediocre salespeople.

These average and mediocre salespeople have one thing in common. They don't change. They don't ever change.

It's like, if they've been in sales for 10 years, they have one year of experience and repeated it nine times.

There is a better way you know. All it requires is energy and effort.

5. Read Frank Bettger's book "How I Raised Myself From Failure To Success In Selling." I Crown this book "A selling classic." The kind of book you can read every year, I know, because I do.

It's loaded with ideas that can transform you and the way you sell.

And here's the +1:

Become a Sales Trailblazer. In the first seven days of 2011, 8 professional salespeople signed up for my Sales Trailblazer Sales Training Program.

So what's the big deal? The big deal is they have committed to a 24 week training program.

The big deal is they'll bring more to the table than a salesperson who has decided not to participate in the acquisition of new selling skills.

You can be average and mediocre or be a Sales Trailblazer and become a better salesperson.

And remember, your future is determined by the choices you make today.

Jim Meisenheimer
13506 Blythefield Terrace
Lakewood Ranch, FL 34202
Tel: 800-266-1268
Fax: 941-907-0441

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