Monday, December 22, 2008

Still Shopping?

Over the weekend I heard reports on how this has been a slow season for Christmas Retailers. Here's the numbers compiled last week:

Even though the clock is ticking, 20% of people haven’t begun their holiday shopping and millions more have a substantial number of names to check off their lists. According to an NRF survey, conducted last week by BIGresearch, the average person has completed 64.7% of their holiday shopping.

The survey also found that 44.5 million people have not started holiday shopping, with the biggest procrastinators being men (24.2% haven’t started) and 18-34 year-olds (24.2%). One in three shoppers (30.1%), on the other hand, says they are completely finished.

“With so much shopping left to do, the weekend before Christmas will be one of the most important periods of the year for retailers,” said NRF President and CEO Tracy Mullin. “Retailers will try to make last-minute shopping easier for holiday procrastinators by offering incredible promotions and gift ideas within a certain budget or for a specific person.”

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