Monday, August 25, 2008

Would Sam Walton Approve?

Yep, Walmart is taking advantage of the opportunity to reach into the hearts and wallets of America.

The two go together, (hearts and wallets). Here's the story from Mediapost:

Wal-Mart Breaks Ads To Run With Political Conventions
by Fern Siegel, Monday, Aug 25, 2008 10:15 AM ET
walmart adWal-Mart is getting into the political fray, launching new TV ads to coincide with the Democratic and Republican National Conventions. The retailer is using the commercials to demonstrate its commitment to low prices, capitalizing on studies that indicate the economy is the No. 1 issue worrying Americans. The 15-second ads highlight the store's cost-saving options, such as its $4 Prescription Program, and tout the advantages of one-stop shopping, given the high cost of gas. According to Voter/Consumer Research of Washington, D.C., more than half of all Americans -- including three quarters of African-Americans and about two thirds of Hispanics -- say they are more likely to shop at Wal-Mart compared to six months ago. Plus, almost 50% of registered, but undecided voters say they are more likely to shop at Wal-Mart than six months ago, per the survey.

The ads, which broke today, will run through Sept. 7 on cable news networks, including CNN, MSNBC and Fox News during the Democratic National Convention in Denver, Colo., and the Republican National Convention in St. Paul, Minn.

The CNN shows that will carry them include "Headline News," "The Situation Room," "CNN Election Central with Campbell Brown" and "Reliable Sources." The ads will also air on Fox News' "America's Election Headquarters," "Election Special Report with Brit Hume" and the net's convention coverage.

"We've been our customers' advocate for more than 40 years," said Walmart U.S. CEO Eduardo Castro-Wright, "and this new advertising campaign reinforces that we will continue to be there for them."

Fern Siegel is Deputy Editor of MediaPost.

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