Tuesday, October 09, 2007

When they say "marketing isn't working"....

Got a phone call today from a company that we sold block programming to. This type of block programming is actually an infomercial. They wanted to know if we could cut our price in half because they are not getting the results they want. What would you say?

I was in the middle of a meeting and decided to let them know in the morning. Actually, I already knew what the short answer was. No. However I wanted time to compose my long answer.

See, you have to know what the real question is. Are they really not getting results, or do they just want to improve their margin by lowering their marketing costs? It doesn't hurt to ask. But who is the real buyer and seller here? I have air time and I get to decide how much to charge. I know that if they want to pay less, then they get less. Like a different time slot, that will have less listeners. While all this makes sense, there is another whole side to this that isn't being addressed.

Is the message effective? What do we mean by effective? Just what results do you need to make your marketing worthwhile? Is there a piece to the marketing plan that is missing or weak? And how much of this is in my power to control?

Maybe the marketing is effective, if you use the right measuring device.

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1 comment:

ScLoHo (Scott Howard) said...

Follow up:

We tried a compromise, different time, different price, to no avail.

That's okay, because infomercials are not the direction that the radio media in this town should go except for special circumstances. And this wasn't one of those special circumstances.