Thursday, November 04, 2010

Know Thy Customer

from Chris Brogan:

What You Should Know

Posted: 31 Oct 2010 04:36 AM PDT


Can you name your top 5 customers? (Your top 20?) Can you explain the challenges those top 20 people face? Can you talk about what else is on their plate besides potentially buying more of what you sell? Do you know how they talk about you to their bosses, their peers, or others?

We know product specs. We know all kinds of details of the things we sell. Though we should know those things, why aren’t we focusing more on our customer and the information they can give us?

It’s interesting, to me, which metrics we track and what we do with them. The distance between metrics and analytics is the difference between statistics and intent. Meaning, we might know several things about how many products we sell, where we sell them, at which time of day, and all kinds of other things, but what we’re really trying to figure out is the secrets of our relationship with our customer. That’s where we have to invest our efforts.

How do we analyze what we know? How often do we just ASK our customer for some insight? And what else could we be doing to understand behavior and thus be more helpful?

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