Saturday, February 27, 2010

Raise Your Prices

from my email:

Hi Scott,

As you know, there are only three ways to make more money in
your business.

One of them is to increase your prices, and frankly, with a
few exceptions, it's actually the easiest way. And here's
why: see, most people see themselves inside a vacuum.

They think "If I increase my prices, I'll lose customers and
people won't want to do business with me."

But that's not correct.

Basically, it all depends on the kinds of customers you want
and the kinds of customers and clients you have right now.
If you fill your pipeline with customers who are loyal to
low pricing, then yes, you will lose customers when you try
and charge them more.

But if you want customers who are motivated by things other
than price, then high prices won't cost you anything. In
fact, it will make you a LOT more money.

Pricing is only one of the many things people consider when
making a purchase. And it's usually several notches down
the list. If it wasn't, BMW and Mercedes would be in
trouble, and candidly, so would I.

The truth is, the lion's share of consumers are far more
"value" oriented than "price" oriented. So what you want
to focus on is creating massive value, and then your
pricing becomes a non-issue.

The other thing you need to know, is that with one exception
(selling a commodity item), it is JUST as difficult to sell
something for $50 dollars, as it is to sell something for
$250 or $500 dollars.

Don't kid yourself -- in spite of what sales gurus would
like you to believe -- getting someone to buy something
from you, isn't easy. So if you've gotta work hard anyway…
then you might as well get paid as much as possible for it,

Or not. Either way, it's your call.

Now go sell something, Craig Garber

P.S. Discover the ONLY three ways to make money in
business, and how to rapidly escalate them for you,
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