Sunday, August 30, 2009

Closing, Part 2

from Craig Garber:

If you make your living by selling, this may be the most
important piece of information you read this year.

Recently I mentioned how if you're selling results,
solutions, and end benefits -- instead of "all the things
you do" -- your customers will hear you loud and clear and
they'll want what you're offering.

But what about "closing" the deal? For many people, closing
is one of the toughest things to do, and in print, it's
even harder to close than in person.

So let me give you some insight here, because a lot of your
closing skills has to do with how you look at closing, to
begin with.

First, in order to understand where I'm going with this,
let's take a look at "closing," away from your business.
Let's look at some other types of closing, in real-life

For instance, let's say a man's out on a date with a woman
he's very attracted to. It can even be his wife, if you
want. Anyway, chances are outstanding, from the time he
sits down at the dinner table to the time he looks over at
the waiter and says, "Check, please..." for the lion's
share of that time, this fellow's going to be thinking
about one thing, and one thing only: having sex with that

In fact, in many situations, it won't just be the lion's
share of the time, it may be almost 100% of the time.

If you're a woman, I realize hearing this might come as a
shock to you, but trust me, as sure as the sun rises in the
east and sets in the west... this too, is 100% accurate.

See, for the guy, having relations is akin to "closing the
deal," as it relates to this dinner. And rest assured,
this absolutely does NOT mean this guy's a bad person. He
can be a very loving husband or boyfriend, who's an
incredibly supportive partner. That's just the way it is,
for guys. And, it's why women are more complex and

But don't get all caught up in the morality of things here.
I want you to understand how to close a deal, so stay with
me on this.



Now let's take another, completely different situation. An
attentive 11th grade student is sitting in his biology
class, and the teacher wants to get him to do some homework
that evening, so he'll be prepared for his upcoming quiz
the following day.

In this situation, getting the student to do his homework,
is the teachers "close."


So here we are, with two completely different situations,
two completely different "closes."

And now let me explain where I'm going with all this stuff.

Appreciate there's no way the guy out on the date is going
to get lucky by rambling on about nothing all night long,
and then right after dessert comes, he suddenly turns
around to his beautiful date and says:

"Honey... but wait, there's more! If you act right now,
you'll get to make hot monkey love with me in exactly
forty-five minutes. And... because we've had such a
wonderful time together, I PROMISE to last more than 11
seconds tonight. But... like I said, you MUST act right
now to get in on this deal!"

Similarly, there's no way the biology teacher is going to
get ANYONE to do any homework, if she walks into class and
says, "Students, for the next 45 minutes I'm going to
lecture you on Darwin's theory. Most of the material we
will be learning is completely irrelevant and I want you to
know, you probably won't ever even think about even one
thing I say in today's class, ever again. Then, tonight I
want you to read 75 pages of related text in your biology
textbook. This, too, is irrelevant."

Can you see where I'm going with this?

Are you starting to understand why people have such a big
problem with closing?

You see, good sales closings and good sales closes don't
stand alone. They're very intertwined with your entire
sales pitch. In fact, good sales closing is based on a few
specific things:

First, it's based on consent. I don't care how good a sales
person you are, you're not going to get anyone to do
anything they don't WANT to do. In case you haven't
noticed, people are stubborn, and they're REALLY stubborn
when it comes to their money. So if closing -- on
anything, doesn't matter what you're selling -- is more
important to you than it is to your prospect... forget it,
you're done. No dice, and no deal.

Second, closing isn't a mutually exclusive thing you do once
and get it over with, like a vasectomy, or... like visiting
your mother-in-law.

A good closer doesn't wait until the end of the deal to
close. In fact, a good closer is closing throughout his
sales pitch, and he's doing it in such a way his prospect
doesn't even know he's being closed. And that's because a
good closer genuinely cares about what he's doing, and he
cares that his buyers are getting value. So he closes by
focusing on the value and the pride of ownership in his
work -- not, "getting the money."

And lastly, a good close is set up right from the get-go,
with lots of planning and forethought involved.

Tomorrow I'll show you how to actually do each of these
things in print. And don't worry, it's a LOT easier than
you think.

What's hard is NOT using these strategies and doing what
you're doing now. When you do it the way you're doing it
now, you get the same results the guy who was out on the
date gets... or, the results the gruff teacher gets -- you
wind up very frustrated and absolutely nothing goes your

I'll show you tomorrow, exactly what I mean.

Now go sell something, Craig Garber

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