Saturday, April 11, 2009

Ethics 101

Here's today's sales training:

Daily Sales Tip: Are Ethics and Service Intertwined?

What is good for the customer must always supercede what's good for the salesperson. Going the "extra mile" for one's customers establishes a valued-based added dimension that will build trust, alleviate worry, and become the basis for all future business.

Criticizing the competition always cheapens us in the eyes of the customer. Prove how valuable each customer is by being honest, customer-focused and truly committed to exceeding your customer's needs. Time should be spent not in "brow beating" the competition, but rather in informing the customer of the benefits of doing business with you. This should be the goal for developing business.

Remember, today's customer requests are tomorrow's customer demands!

If you help your customers with what they need, they will come back to you for what they want! How are needs fulfilled? By doing what we can to meet the customer's timeline, requirements, and expectations in an enthusiastic, and ethical manner. This builds trust and when trust exists, relationships flourish!

Source: Business author/ethics coach Frank Bucaro (

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