Thursday, September 04, 2008

Purpose..What's yours?

I often get comments from businesses that I am selling to that I am not your typical media salesperson. To me that is good, because typical is generic, bland, and forgettable.

Due to my background in and out of media, sitting in several different chairs and roles over the years, my perspective is different from anyone else that I work with. 6 years ago, I returned to this business with a purpose:

"To help business owners and managers make smart, wise and profitable decisions regarding their advertising and marketing."

Now, granted I earn my living when people buy from me, so there has to be a financial factor in there too. However Drew over at the Marketing Minute put it into perspective:

Why do you exist?

36608632 As you walk through the hallways of your company today...stop people at random. Everyone from the CEO to the part-time mail room clerk and everyone in between.

Ask them this:

Why does this company exist?

Note two things:

  1. How many different answers you get
  2. How many times you make money

A company that exists primarily to make money cannot hope to build loyalty among customers, employees or even vendors. Of course, you should be profitable -- but that shouldn't be why you exist.

You make money so you can keep fulfilling the reason you exist. Unless of course....everyone in your company thinks it's something different.

Then, sadly...the only mission/vision you all agree on is...that you should make money. Can you say "uh oh."

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