Sunday, June 29, 2008

SalesDog SundayTip 1

Today, I'm kicking off a new series of articles from for the next 10 Sundays around 3pm:

Persistence Without Stalking
Kelley Robertson on Prospecting

You can't get the sale unless you persist. But how do you pursue your prospect without coming across like a stalker?

Persistence is a vital skill that every salesperson needs. It's been said that most sales are made after eight contacts with a prospect. However, most people tend to give up after just three or four attempts. Let's explore the behind-the-scene dynamics involved in a typical scenario.

Meet Mrs. Executive. Her day is booked solid, scarcely allowing her to catch her breath between each meeting. Some meetings are internal. Others are with clients and customers. A few are with current suppliers or business partners. She has a dozen balls in the air and spends most of her time trying to juggle them all. She has several major goals she wants to accomplish this year but progress is slow because the demands on her time are non-stop. Continue

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